Free YouTube Downloader 4.3.948

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Free YouTube Downloader is a well thought out and intuitive all-in-one program to download videos or music from YouTube.

Free YouTube Downloader is a well thought out and intuitive all-in-one program to download videos or music from YouTube.

The program automatically copies any YouTube links you click on and does it well enough that it ignores anything else you copy that’s not a YouTube link. Once you have the link copied into the program it offers to let you watch it on YouTube as well as download it as MP4 (video) or (MP3) music. Links to share on social media sites are ready to go as well with one click. Shortcuts to wherever you saved your downloaded files are also built into the main interface. I was surprised how intuitive the program was.

The program is a very small download and only uses, on average about 16-20 MB of memory.

At the time we tested Free YouTube Downloader it does offer to install Web Companion so you want to choose custom installation if you don't want that. It also offers to install GOM Player. These offers can change over time, so pay attention to those.
