Free Clipboard Viewer 4.0.0

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Free Clipboard Viewer is a freeware app used to view the information that is stored in memory when you use the copy or cut functions.

Free Clipboard Viewer is a freeware app used to view the information that is stored in memory when you use the copy or cut functions.

It allows you to save clipboard data to a file and load the clipboard data from a file. This feature is so you can transfer clipboard contents between computers if needed. The clipboard temporarily stores whatever you've cut or copied. As soon as you cut or copy something else, the clipboard's contents change.

Free Clipboard Viewer also allows you to clear the clipboard and redeem the memory currently occupied by the large object. To clear the contents, click the "Delete" button in the clipboard viewer toolbar.

How to Copy the Path of a File or a Folder to the Clipboard
How to Clear Your Clipboard History With Shortcuts
How to Disable Clipboard History in Windows 10
