Fractal Design Define S Review

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The Guru of 3D published a review on the Fractal Design Define S A quote from the article:
Fractal Design is adding a new line of chassis to their product line-up, targeted at the audiophile and noise conscience end-users. With the S for silent the Define S series has been introduced. As such today we review the first product in that line-up, the Design Define S. A silent, stylish mid-tower chassis. This all pro-dominantly black and white chassis comes with plenty of cooling options, great design and it will house up-to ATX motherboards. This product is made with airflow and liquid cooling in mind to serve the more performance oriented PCs. You'll be excited about storage, style, USB 3.0 and low noise levels.

The new chassis has a couple of new features, and though being aimed at a relatively smaller form factor and silence, is can still house pretty much any radiator that is common for a high-end PC these days. I mean if you can mount radiators up to 420mm in the top and 360mm in the front, then that should be sufficient eh ? As such liquid cooling fanatics should not be disappointed. There is enough room left for pumps and reservoirs. The chassis comes with two performance but silent Fractal Design Dynamic GP14 140mm fans that are already factory installed, and that means good ventilation versus fairly little noise.
 Fractal Design Define S Review @ Guru3D