It's driver galore this week. This is NVIDIA ForceWare 87.08 & 87.25 and this my friends is a again BETA drivers. It currently is being distributed with the Quad SLI systems on sale. This driver only supported the upcoming GX2 graphics cards in original form, yet we added a modified .inf file into the archive to make the most GeForce cards compatible with this driver.
ForceWare 87.08 - ForceWare 87.25
Use NVTweak to unleashes hidden function within ForceWare drivers, it enables several new Direct3d and OpenGL configuration tabs, and even more tweaking capability from the nVidia taskbar settings panel like the Overclocking , AGP settings and the Refresh Rate Override tabs.
Please leave your performance results in the comments and tell us all how they work.
Use NVTweak to unleashes hidden function within ForceWare drivers, it enables several new Direct3d and OpenGL configuration tabs, and even more tweaking capability from the nVidia taskbar settings panel like the Overclocking , AGP settings and the Refresh Rate Override tabs.
Please leave your performance results in the comments and tell us all how they work.