ForceToolkit V1.2

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ForceToolkit is a helpful app that allows you to forcefully modify the state of selected program controls.

ForceToolkit is a helpful app that allows you to forcefully modify the state of selected program controls.

You can use ForceToolkit to enable grey out buttons and checkboxes, hide windows and let them run in the background, make windows always on top, change titles, forcefully kill processes, and close programs. All these actions are performed through a straightforward interface. You can hover over an operation, and a brief description is displayed. A detailed How To Use section is available at the author's site. A moveable cursor is available (top left of UI) and can be dragged over to a specific window or object you wish to target, eliminating the potential for error.

ForceToolkit is available in portable form to have the power with you whenever needed. ForceToolkit is a superb option for overcoming some mild annoyances like unclickable/greyed-out buttons, for example.

Enable Grayed Out Disabled Buttons, Checkboxes, and More Controls in Other Applications
Forcefully Click on a Disabled Button
Hide a Window or Program to Run It Invisible in the Background
Hide Controls and Text in Other Applications
Set Windows to Always on Top
Forcefully Close Window in Other Programs
Redraw / Refresh the UI of Other Programs
Forcefully Kill the Process and Close the Program of an Application
Change the Window Title
Resize the Fixed Size Window

How to Restore or Verify Default Services in Windows 7, 8, 10, and 11
How to Identify Processes or Services on Your Computer
8 Ways to Open Task Manager in Windows
