FileActivityWatch 1.07

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FileActivityWatch pulls and displays the read/write/delete operation that occurs for every file on your system.

FileActivityWatch pulls and displays the read/write/delete operation that occurs for every file on your system.

This portable app allows you to track the performance of files that have the capability to initiate active read and write operations or that can delete files from your system. Having this ability to monitor these items will keep you informed on exactly what is being changed and why. For every file, FileActivityWatch will display the number of read/write bytes and operations, first and last read/write timestamp, and also the name/ID of the process that is responsible for the file operation.

FileActivityWatch displays all file operations that are occurring on your system in real time but will not catch those that happen after you have begun utilizing it and may require you to restart the app for those to be included. That said, it is still a steadfast app, as are all of Nirsoft's tools, that will keep you actively informed about active file read/write/delete operations.

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