FFDShow MPEG-4 Video Decoder 2005-09-20

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FFDSHOW is a DirectShow decoding filter for decompressing DivX, XviD, WMV, MPEG-1 and MPEG-2 movies. It uses libavcodec from ffmpeg project for video decompression, postprocessing code from mplayer to enhance visual quality of low bitrate movies, and is based on original DirectShow filter from XviD, which is GPL'ed educational implementation of MPEG4 encoder. What's new:

- faster array_vector
- channel mute/solo
- array_allocator, array_vector
- redesigning video encoder flow,
- save one frame copy when encoding h.264
- faster uclibc++ vector for POD types
- cbxTranslate,
- use container SAR if video stream doesn't contain one
- updated x264

Download: FFDShow MPEG-4 Video Decoder 2005-09-20