FEX-2501 released

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A new software update is available: FEX-2501 released

FEX-2501 released

A new release of the FEX-Emu is now available, featuring support for the WINE WoW64 and Arm64ec package, partial support for inline self-modifying code, as well as enhancements to JIT bug fixes and performance. The package includes DLL files for x86 and x86-64 emulation within WINE, thereby minimizing CPU overhead. The update incorporates support for inline self-modifying code and the trap flag, utilized by certain anti-tamper and anti-debugger software.The recent updates for JIT encompass bug fixes and performance enhancements, addressing issues such as incorrect backpatching of unaligned atomics, improper instruction handling, and optimizing the performance of several instructions. The updates encompass a resolution for float to integer overflow behavior, an adjustment for ModRM decoding of 3DNow! instructions, and a correction for H0F3A table decoding.

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