FEX-2409 released

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A new software update is available: FEX-2409 released

FEX-2409 released

A new version of the FEX-EMU, which allows the execution of x86 and x86-64 binaries on an AArch64 host, has been released. Performance has been significantly improved with the release of FEX-2409, which is mostly attributable to enhancements made to flags. Because flags are bits that reflect the status of the processor, and because both x86 and Arm have flags, it is possible to emulate x86 functionality on Arm. Calculations involving arithmetic, such as subtracting and verifying the carry flag, are performed with their assistance. In addition to being able to implement additions of 128 bits, the carry flag is also able to indicate whether or not the result overflowed. These two operations are comparable; however, the carry flag is activated whenever there is a borrow, which is the more natural of the two. In most cases, the inverted convention emerges victorious, and FEX has been modified to do inversion carry, which has resulted in a few percent acceleration of typical workloads. FEX's translations of address modes, push/pop, AVX load/stores, and other translations have also been improved as a result of this, which has led to benchmarks being up to ten percent quicker since the previous release. Additionally, the FEXConfig tool, which is a Qt application, has been redesigned in order to enhance its aesthetics, usability, and accessibility.

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