Fat32Format is a portable freeware utility capable of formatting large USB Drives (32 GB+) to FAT32.
Fat32Format is a portable freeware utility capable of formatting large USB Drives (32 GB+) to FAT32.
Windows does not incorporate this formatting ability making Fat32Format essential for those tasked performing such operations often. Fat32format makes the entire process efficient and straightforward. All you need to do is open, run, select the drive to be formatted, and click start.
Fat32Format quickly runs through the process with the result being a properly FAT32 formatted USB drive. It is simple and easy-to-use for any skill level, but there are a couple of things you need to know before running fat32format. You need to have Administrator rights on XP for it to work since it opens the drive in raw write mode. You also need to make sure that there are no open files on the volume - if there are you will see a message like this:
-Warning ALL data on drive 'f' will be lost irretrievably, are you sure
-(y/n) :y
-Failed to open device - close any files before formatting
-Are you SURE you're formatting the RIGHT DRIVE!!!