FanDraft Fantasy Baseball Draft Software, is the first ever Digital Fantasy Baseball Draft Board.
FanDraft Fantasy Baseball Draft Software, is the first ever Digital Fantasy Baseball Draft Board! A multimedia program designed to assist and enhance fantasy Baseball leagues with their live drafts.Make your draft feel like an actual MLB Draft. With streaming draft tickers, automated draft clocks, and a digitally displayed draft board, FanDraft is a perfect league draft companion to be projected via a Digital Projector or output onto a large television or video monitor for display to the entire league.Features: Draft board that displays logo, on deck, player board, ticker, and more? Regular or Auction style drafting Manage up to 32 fantasy teams and up to 50 rounds AL/NL or All Players Customize the draft order (regular) and individual bid/salary amounts (auction ) Edit / Add / Delete Players from Player Database Customizable team logos and owner images Real-Time draft clock and streaming draft results (via ticker) as they are made. Make last second draft changes on the fly (useful for Mid-Draft trades) PreDraft presentation to run before draft begins Multiple exportable report files (in HTML format) Import audio to play during PreDraft and Draft Automatically tracks allowed roster size, positions taken. Projected starters selected display and much more?Download