FaceCam Cover 1.0

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FaceCam Cover is a free, portable app designed to hide face cams in videos or any distractions.

FaceCam Cover is a free, portable app designed to hide face cams in videos or any distractions.

FaceCam Cover contains a single executable that you can create a shortcut to and run anytime you wish. You can delete the program when finished as well. Here's more info on using portable apps.

Using FaceCam Cover is simple. A small black window will appear that you can drag anywhere you like. If you line your mouse over the window, you will see all of your keyboard shortcuts. The shortcuts include Close, Menu, Controls, Drag, and Resize.

You can right-click on the tray icon at any time and select "Create INI" to change the color or add a clock that you can launch with the CTRL button.

We can't decide how useful this app could be yet. Because you have to launch the app as needed, it assumes your looking at a lot of annoying videos. An interesting feature might be the option to have FaceCam Cover detect when a video is playing and auto-launch, for example. Then again, we don't even know if that's possible and the resources needed for monitoring might not be worth the effort. Regardless, if you find yourself watching a lot of videos with distractions, this is one of the only options we know of to help.
