F-Secure Online Scanner

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F?Secure Online Scanner helps to get rid of viruses and spyware that may cause problems on your PC.
F?Secure Online Scanner helps to get rid of viruses and spyware that may cause problems on your PC.The best I can tell it scanned my memory as well as the Windows and Users folders and not much else. The scan took just one minute on a very fast computer and when nothing was found it took me to the F-Secure page to sell me on F-Secure products. At this point I downloaded a virus and placed it in my Users and Windows folder and the program did not find it. Since this easily downloadable test virus is well known, F-Secure should have easily found it. Screenshot #3 below shows the dummyvir placed in my Users folder.I can't be sure at this point if it's just useful for memory scanning or if it's nothing more than a program designed to sell their products. F-Secure has a stellar reputation so I will assume it has a niche I just didn't find.