EZ Paint

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EZ Paint is a streamlined graphics utility with a nice feature-set that can be used as an alternative to MS Paint.

EZ Paint is a streamlined graphics utility with a nice feature-set that can be used as an alternative to MS Paint.

You will have access to many of the same shortcuts and features from MS Paint making the transition to use EZ Paint almost seamless. For instance, the left and right mouse button function in the same way with each button corresponding to one of the two available brushes. Additionally, Control/Shift can also be used with the mouse to provide the same stamp and trail functions like MS Paint as well. The arrow keys are used in a similar fashion for moving selections via fine precise increments.

EZ Paint also provides features not available in MS Paint which will be crucial to web page designers like the use of gradients and the editing of .png and .gif files containing transparencies. EZ Paint also includes over 50 different textures which can be combined with a number of different colored backdrops. Some of these textures can be utilized to simulate real-world surfaces and can be used on text in addition to graphic shapes, arcs, and lines.
