eTeknix checked out the Everybody Can NAS, a Beginners Guide to OpenMediaVault
A quote from the article:
A quote from the article:
NAS is the acronym for ?Network Attached Storage? and that is just what it is. Storage that is directly attached to your network, thereby allowing you to access its content from all your smart devices. In this article I'll take you along the road of setting up and configuring your own NAS, even for a small wallet. It sounds so simple and it is. But it is also something that can make your every-day digital-life a lot easier and more enjoyable.Everybody Can NAS, a Beginners Guide to OpenMediaVault @ eTeknix
Having a NAS in your household allows you to have a centralized storage for all your backups, media files and documents. This again gives you the ability to easy access them from all your devices, may it be your smart TV, your phone or tablet, your computers or game consoles and what else comes to mind.
Some of the first words that scare most people away from setting up a NAS themselves are 'linux? and ?network?. While it might not be something you have experience with, I guarantee it's all very easy and quick to do.