Emsisoft Decrypter for Globe3

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Emsisoft Decrypter for Globe3 is designed for decrypting files that have been encrypted with the Globe3 strain of ransomware.
Emsisoft Decrypter for Globe3 is designed for decrypting files that have been encrypted with the Globe3 strain of ransomware.The Globe3 ransomware was discovered at the start of 2017 and encrypts files (and optionally filenames) using AES-256 encryption which is a step up in encryption levels compared to the older versions of this ransomware. With this particular strain, the extension of encrypted files are configurable making several different file extensions possible with the most commonly used being .decrypt2017 and .hnumkhotep. As with other similar decryptors from Emsisoft, including Emsisoft Decrypter for Globe, you will need a file pair that contains both an encrypted and the non-encrypted original version. You then select both and drag n' drop them onto the Emsisoft Decrypter for Globe3 file.