Virtual-Hideout posted an editorial on the Seagate 7200.11 Drive Issues
>> Editorial: Seagate 7200.11 Drive Issues
Now however, there is talk of more problems with the 7200.11 series. The 1TB and 500GB versions seem to be ones most often affected. Problems include, but are not limited to a "Click of death", showing as a "0GB" drive, or simply not showing up in the Bios at all. Some are even claiming that Seagate is deleting users posts about these newer problems. Some drives have an update available, others have a section telling a user to contact support for an update. These same users are being told only that "there is a update set to be released in a few days", but not what to do with their drives in the meantime.
>> Editorial: Seagate 7200.11 Drive Issues