ECS LIVA One Skylake mini-PC Review

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Anandtech published ECS LIVA One Skylake mini-PC A quote from the article:
The desktop PC market has been subject to many challenges over the last few years. However, the miniaturization trend (including the introduction of the ultra-compact form factor - UCFF - NUCs) has provided some bright spots. The recent introduction of the mSTX (5x5) form factor has provided yet another option between the NUC and the mITX form factor for PC builders. Companies like ASRock and Zotac have been marketing mini-PCs based on mSTX-like custom boards for a few years now. ECS joined the fray in early 2016 with the launch of the LIVA One based on a Skylake platform. Read on for our review of the pre-configured version of the ECS LIVA One.
 ECS LIVA One Skylake mini-PC Review @ Anandtech