DriverStore Explorer 0.12.55
DriverStore Explorer is a free and Open Source utility that makes it easier to deal with the Windows driver store. Supported operations include enumeration, adding a driver package, adding & installing, deleting, and forcing deletion.
DriverStore Explorer allows you to enumerate or list all the packages staged in the current driver store. You can export the list as CSV, add a driver package to the driver store (called staging), and install/add a driver package to the store.
You can also delete a package from the store (force deletion supported), and full-fledged GUI supports grouping or sorting on any column and selecting specific columns.
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DriverStore Explorer 0.12.55
DriverStore Explorer is a free and Open Source utility that makes it easier to deal with the Windows driver store. Supported operations include enumeration, adding a driver package, adding & installing, deleting, and forcing deletion.