DriverMon is a diagnostic app that can monitor any driver on your computer, especially useful for BSOD (Blue Screen of Death) problems.
DriverMon is a diagnostic app that can monitor any driver on your computer, especially useful for BSOD (Blue Screen of Death) problems.Most people don't realize just how many drivers are on their computers until something breaks. Some examples of these drivers include Acpiex, Wudfrd, WdNisDrv, ahcache, fvevol, wdiwifi, and dozens, yes, dozens more.DriverMon has a very easy to use interface. By default, monitoring is off until you select what you want to monitor. One click and you can start or stop tracking these drivers. Rather than scroll through all the driver, you can use the search box to find and begin monitoring the driver you need quickly.DriverMon is currently listed as a beta, but we ran into repeated crashes and thought this should be called an alpha. Once we began monitoring drivers, it repeatedly crashed. Currently, this should only be used by advanced users for testing, preferably in a virtual machine. BETA is in caps for a reason. The one screenshot lacking below is DriverMon monitoring because we couldn't get it to work once. We are listing this because we support small developers and will reach out to the author with our review.Drivers and BSOD is a common problem and running an application like DriverMon from safe mode could diagnose the cause.Download