DocPad 25.0

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DocPad is a free alternative to Notepad that offers a full arsenal of additional time-saving tools.

DocPad is a free alternative to Notepad that offers a full arsenal of additional time-saving tools.

There are many time-savers provided with this text editor. They include, block indent/unindent, bookmarking, case conversion, a customizable toolbar, file history, encoding conversion, jump to line/offset, keyboard macros, search and replace, print preview, a skinnable interface, spell checking, statistics, a variable pitch font, and much more. As if that isn't enough, it also includes a built-in calculator, calendar, and character map to round out the extra features.

So if you are looking for a highly workable alternative to your current text editor then you should take DocPad out for a spin - it is free.

How to Add 'Open With Notepad' Context Menu
How to Install or Uninstall Microsoft WordPad in Windows 10
How to Run, Use, and Reset WordPad in Windows 10
