Yesterday I had fun going down to London for a Press briefing given by ATI on the features of DirectX 10.
ATI have already learned a great deal about unified shader architecture as those techniques have already been utilised in the Microsoft Xbox360. Meaning they can improve upon decisions they made previously.
Nvidia on the other hand think that for their DX10 graphics card they are better off sticking to the tried and true fixed shader pipelines meaning that they have to have dedicated pixel, vertex and geometry shaders. The downsides of this is that there is even more chance that the card will have either 1 or more of the units h around idle while its waiting for another unit to finish what it?s doing while rendering the graphics.
Nvidia on the other hand think that for their DX10 graphics card they are better off sticking to the tried and true fixed shader pipelines meaning that they have to have dedicated pixel, vertex and geometry shaders. The downsides of this is that there is even more chance that the card will have either 1 or more of the units h around idle while its waiting for another unit to finish what it?s doing while rendering the graphics.