Digital Clock gives you a straightforward portable timepiece for display on your desktop.

Digital Clock gives you a straightforward portable timepiece for display on your desktop.
This desktop clock is simple to configure and includes some fun settings to personalize it to your liking. You have multiple options for display type, and you can additionally create personalized skins with a simple to follow help file if needed. It does include several that are ready to use like Vintage Digits, Binary Clock, Origami Style, Floral Digits, Christmas themes, etc. You can move the clock anywhere on your desktop, and you have the option to have it always on top. There are also other settings that allow you to adjust the opacity, size, background color, fonts, and more.
Digital Clock gives you a fun way to keep the time on your desktop with enough options to keep it fresh and different.
-signals (alarm + every hour signal)
-any clock color
-texture instead of color
-multilanguage support
-Retina (HiDPI) display ready
-multiple monitors support
-autostart with system boot
