Diffractor 122.15

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Diffractor is designed to help you get organized with photos and videos on your PC. It is the simplest and easiest way to add and edit metadata.

Diffractor is designed to help you get organized with photos and videos on your PC. It is the simplest and easiest way to add and edit metadata.

It can handle millions of media items and is fast and lightweight. It can understand most file formats and compliments other media applications.

This really is a speedy way to store and view your pictures and audio/video without the need for a cumbersome program in which to do it. Diffractor allows you to tweak a picture's color along with the ability to resize, rotate, crop, and adjust, all within a less than 8.0 MB program. Not to mention indexing and searching using metadata. It loaded fast and did just what it says it will with ease and all for free.

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