Diagnostic Data Viewer 3.1904.2712.0

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Diagnostic Data Viewer allows you to instantly view the diagnostic data that Microsoft collects from Windows and Office in real-time based on the privacy choices made in your diagnostics settings.
Diagnostic Data Viewer allows you to instantly view the diagnostic data that Microsoft collects from Windows and Office in real-time based on the privacy choices made in your diagnostics settings.

With Microsoft's Diagnostic Data Viewer, you will no longer have to guess what information is being collected from your device.

How does Diagnostic Data Viewer work?

Immediately see the diagnostic data that Microsoft collects from Windows and Office on your device in real-time, precisely the way it appears when it is sent.
If you’ve chosen Basic for your privacy settings, see that Microsoft collects only the data required to help keep your device up-to-date and secure.
If you’ve opted into Full, understand that Microsoft collects diagnostic data from your device that helps improve Microsoft products and services to everyone with a better experience.

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