Devastation Patch Coming

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Arush Entertainment and Digitalo have posted new information on the upcoming patch for their recently released first person shooter build on the latest Unreal engine. The patch will also work on the MP demo. Current Changelog: -Optimized network usage for pawns, decorations, pickups, projectiles.
-Made bass and pitch fixes to all weapon sounds, fixed volume.
-Rewrote the MP Browser to show gametypes, with icons for arc/sim, physics, passworded servers, and dedicated servers.
-Fix to reduce network usage in some situations, improve lagginess.
-Made footstep sounds louder and better, fixed listen bug.
-Added support for All Seeing Eye browser.
-Added better hotkeys in weapon loadout: Alt-1,2,3=select, enter=buy, del/backspace=clear all
-Optimized server CPU for heavy actors, although CPU increase is> -Fixed antiportals bug in netplay. Should give another FPS increase.
-Correctly handled resized decorations in netplay.
-Added filters in MP browser.
-Fixed password entry not showing up bug in MP Browser.
-Fixed weapon decal bug in MP.
-Fixed knife decal effects not showing correct decal.
-Fixed sound bugs for katana, knife and 2x4 not synching.
-Fixed server names not truncating bugs.
-Fixed laser rifle effect not showing up all the time in multiplayer.
-Better balanced the cost of some weapons.
-Fixed several graphical glitches, see additional notes.
-Adjusted gore settings to show more gore effects by default.
-Fixed some issues with certain emitters not being destroyed on dedicated servers.
-Fixed projectile rotations when they change velocities.
-Fixed Simple Flash on listen servers.
-Commented out code for leaning to prevent exploits or cheats (moddable).
-Fixed Winner determination in team games.
-Fixed some issues with weapon and owner replication.
-Fixed weapon pickup replication.
-Gave extra cash bonus for fists kills.
-Fixed some sound dampening issues where it overcompensated.
-Fixed Ground Speed calculations for Simulation> -Partial fix for far-reaching weapon switch sounds.
-Changed character initialization and un-initialization.
-Force all players aiming when firing.
-Fixed the grip type when holding a weapon.
-Made CapLimit, bKarmaMP, and GameMode(Arcade/Sim) config ini variables.
-Fixed animation of your own team flag.
-Fixed radar display bug for flag carrier in CTF.
-Made the AMG belt destroy properly, and not get left around.
-Fixed bolta bug: arrows getting stuck in the air when shot.
-Use the FireDry for the colt instead of the FireEmpty when it is dry.
-Fixed muzzleflash issues with akimbo weapons.
-Fixed several issues with the rat drone.
-Made katana melee distance 30% farther.
-Fixed bottle skin color in MP.
-Fixed problem with bottle multiply-destroying.
-Fixed auto switch priorities of weapons.
-Fixed ladder climbing animations and sounds.
-Set up InitialCash as a ini setting.
-Fixed the ability to pickup health while regenerating health.
-Added LifeSpan to extinguisher explosion to fix that bug.
-Fixed player hand skin bug in MP.
-Sped up player scroll in team selector.
-Fixed the up button in player selection.
-Fixed the ability to bring up team change window in streetwar.
-Fixed laser fence alarms not getting turned off in territories. Pretty impressive list that Arush has put together. No ETA right now on the patch, but it should be along fairly quickly. View forum announcement