Deepin 23 RC2 released

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A new Linux article has been published: Deepin 23 RC2 released

Deepin 23 RC2 released

The second release candidate of Deepin V23 is now available for downloading and testing. The release offers new features and optimizations, such as the "Backup Update" toggle button, updated system fonts, and improved video decoding compatibility. The package also contains a new nvidia-graphics-drivers package and a new installer trial mode. The display style of the encrypted network lock icon has been changed to match the interface when the machine is not locked. Basic package upgrades include corrections for known security flaws, increased performance and multithreading capabilities, and improved internationalization support. Compiler improvements have been performed, and Python interaction with Version 3.12 has been enhanced for faster execution and memory economy. Package management capabilities and performance have been improved, as well as the efficiency and reliability of the package management tool.

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