TechnologyX posted DeepCool Quanta DQ1250 1250W PSU Unboxing & Overview
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In the wonderful world of DIY PC building, easily one of the most important components in any system is the power supply. Unfortunately, this is usually one area that is an afterthought for most users, as for the most part, power supplies tend to lack the excitement that is brought upon us by the more performance-effecting components such as the CPU and GPU. Well, today we hope to help in changing that by bringing you an unboxing and overview of the ultra high-end DeepCool Quanta DQ1250, which is a platinum rated, semi-modular 1250W power supply which aims to deliver enough power for even the most demanding configurations, while still keeping cool, quiet and efficient.DeepCool Quanta DQ1250 1250W PSU Unboxing & Overview @ TechnologyX