Decimal BASIC is a programming environment for those who write programs for their own investigation.

Decimal BASIC is a programming environment for those who write programs for their own investigation.
Decimal BASIC is a language processing system made aiming at achieving ISO Full BASIC. It also has almost achieved the implementation of the graphics module of ISO Full BASIC. It accepts the whole syntax provided by the graphics module of ISO Full BASIC, while there are slight differences in behavior. Moreover, the modules and individual character input modules have been roughly achieved, too. Also, the complex number mode and the rational number mode are prepared as original enhancements.
Decimal BASIC adopts ANSI/ISO Full BASIC as its syntax because Full BASIC has suitable facilities for those who are unacquainted with the peculiar knowledge about computers.
Decimal BASIC has the feature of readability to communicate algorithms with others.
Decimal BASIC implements the core module and the graphics module of ISO Full BASIC.
Most of the modules module and the individual character input module for Full BASIC are implemented as well.
