Dead Man Shooting is a retro shooter set in 1858 where you are an anonymous gunslinger fighting for the Godforsaken town of Mercy.
Dead Man Shooting is a retro shooter set in 1858 where you are an anonymous gunslinger fighting for the Godforsaken town of Mercy.
It is presented in only four colors from the old CGA palettes, with 8-bit/chiptune sound limitations. There are no resolution, size or gameplay restrictions in Dead Man Shooting. T Also missing is a Help menu. So, as we tested the game we fiddled around a bit to figure out how to actually shoot before being killed in a hail of enemy gunfire. By the way, it is the X key. Moving your gunslinger is via the arrow keys which was a given. Our first couple of games we could successfully run into oncoming bullets but not fire. It was a bloodbath - our bloodbath. But it is the name of the of the game so there you go.
While playing Dead Man Shooting various items will appear that can give you new weapons like a Gatlin gun or a shotgun for instance - we liked the Gatlin gun. Remember, no matter what, you must stand as long as you can, but you must know one thing: This is your last gunfight and you'll die discharging your weapon until the very end, for you're a Dead Man Shooting.
It's a fun little game to shoot away the boredom and be always guaranteed to die.