DarGUI 1.3

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DarGUI provides you with a graphical front-end interface for DAR allowing for a faster way common backup tasks while utilizing DAR.
DarGUI provides you with a graphical front-end interface for DAR, allowing for a faster way to perform everyday backup tasks while utilizing DAR.

DarGUI's goal is to complement and enhance the command-line features of DAR as opposed to concealing them. It will also prove invaluable for assisting users in learning how DAR works, permitting them to use it from the command line with more confidence.

DarGUI was designed to provide easy access to the most common and widely-used functions of Dar. But unlike Dar, which by-passes Dar to access the libdar libraries directly, DarGUI compiles a Dar command that is executed in a console. DarGUI doesn't hide the Dar command-line because, for more complicated operations, a working-knowledge of the Dar command line is essential.

DarGUI Features:

view the contents of DAR archives
select files from an archive for extraction using filemasks
view archive statistics (number of files, compression information, etc.)
extract/ restore selected or all files from an archive
create new archives using a limited range of options which include a specified slice size, compression, file and directory filters
create differential archives
isolate archive catalogs
compare files in an archive with those in the filesystem
check the integrity of files in a backup archive
schedule backups to be done regularly or once in the future
creation and opening of encrypted archives
creation of backup scripts
add archives to a Dar Manager database
reformat archives to fit on different media
easily change the version of Dar to be used

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