Turning 40 or 4 this cake is a great birthday surprise for any Star Wars fan!
Birthday cakes have come a long way from their humble, three layer, round beginnings. Today's cakes are made to light up, make noise, defy gravity, and walk the dog, all the while tasting good.

This amazing Star Destroyer cake is no exception. Lovingly created by Lorenzo Wood for his son's birthday, Wood used his 3D printer to make the engine thrusters and used laser-cut plywood and acrylic for the base and stand before he connected the LEDs to Arduino microcontrollers. The cake was provided by Pouchkines. The base lights up and the thrusters get brighter and dimmer making this is no ordinary Star Destroyer cake (if you can even call any Star Destroyer cake ordinary). What a dad!

Check out his Flickr for more pictures and a detailed plan so you too can be a top notch parent: http://www.flickr.com/photos/emmaandlorenzo/sets/72157632691407786/with/8444063785/
Birthday cakes have come a long way from their humble, three layer, round beginnings. Today's cakes are made to light up, make noise, defy gravity, and walk the dog, all the while tasting good.

Star Wars Star Destroyer cake! Photo: Lorenzo Wood
This amazing Star Destroyer cake is no exception. Lovingly created by Lorenzo Wood for his son's birthday, Wood used his 3D printer to make the engine thrusters and used laser-cut plywood and acrylic for the base and stand before he connected the LEDs to Arduino microcontrollers. The cake was provided by Pouchkines. The base lights up and the thrusters get brighter and dimmer making this is no ordinary Star Destroyer cake (if you can even call any Star Destroyer cake ordinary). What a dad!

Star Wars Star Destroyer cake with glowing thrusters! Photo: Lorenzo Wood
Check out his Flickr for more pictures and a detailed plan so you too can be a top notch parent: http://www.flickr.com/photos/emmaandlorenzo/sets/72157632691407786/with/8444063785/