CyLog Software Command-Line Utilities

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CyLog Software Command-Line Utilities is a grouping of ten command prompt utilities for quick and easy deployment.

CyLog Software Command-Line Utilities is a grouping of ten command prompt utilities for quick and easy deployment.

These command-line utilities run on Windows command prompt and they encompass a variety of uses which can be viewed below.

This package contains:

-ask: asks for user input and can then write it to the stdout or set the entered value to an environment variable and execute a command
-clDisks: conveniently measure the total and free size of your disks
-clTimer: measure the time it takes to run a program or a batch job
-CountLn: a recursive line counter for text files
-ExitCode: returns the specified exit code and assists with batch file programming
-P4Rev: display RCS style tags from source code files, recursively collected from directories. Supports Perforce, PVCS, CVS, Subversion tags
-ReplaceStr: a console filter that replaces text (includes support for regular expressions)
-ReplaceTxt: a powerful template engine for variable substitution in text files
-Sleep: pause the execution of a batch file for the specified time in milliseconds
-Wo: find files in your PATH directories (similar to Unix "which" command)

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