Cybereason Ransomfree

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Cybereason Ransomfree was designed by former military cybersecurity experts to stop ransomware in its tracks.
Cybereason Ransomfree was designed by former military cybersecurity experts to stop ransomware in its tracks.Often your antivirus software cannot detect them as you know. New variants of ransomware are developed every day, so signature-based defenses can't identify and protect an organization from the ransomware causing damage. Also consider that most types of ransomware are polymorphic, meaning it generates a new hash every time it propagates to avoid detection making it difficult for your antivirus to spot it as a new strain can change minutes after your antivirus tries to protect you.So, how does it work? Cybereason researched tens of thousands of ransomware variants belonging to over 40 ransomware strains, including Locky, Cryptowall, TeslaCrypt, Jigsaw, and Cerber and identified the behavioral patterns that distinguish ransomware from legitimate applications. While each ransomware strain was written by different criminal teams, they all exhibit the same low-level file-related behavior. Ransomware attempts to encrypt as many files as possible, as quickly as possible.Simply put, Cybereason can stop ransomware in its tracks. Since they?ve identified the typical pattern of behavior, they know how and where ransomware will start encrypting files and should be able to block 99% of known and unknown ransomware strains.Installation takes minutes and you simply forget about it.