Cryptermite 2.0a

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Cryptermite was designed to encrypt and decrypt your messages and files but also adds in many other security features.
Cryptermite was designed to encrypt and decrypt your messages and files but also adds in many other security features.At first glance, the interface can be a bit overwhelming. There's a lot you can do here. If you're looking just to encrypt or decrypt messages, everything is in the top half of the window. Select a file and the output name and pick from a few options (hash, Wipe, Wipe after process, create encrypted EXE, password, algorithm) and click on "Encrypt file." Open an Encrypted file and repeat the process to decrypt it.There are xix encryption algorithms including AES, Serpent, Twofish, BlowFish, Triple DES, and RSA. You could also hide any type of file inside images using steganography. We always liked that idea.And now for the additional security features. Cryptermite has a Bitcoin address generator for Bitcoin wallets and a Hash codes generator for messages and files that support SHA256, SHA512, SHA1, RIPEMD160, MD5, MD4, and CRC32.Finally, Cryptermite has a Secure Chat and File Transfer (true peer-to-peer) with AES-256 encryption and private forums for non-live conversations with AES-256 encryption.Cryptermite takes file and message encryption to a different level by offering additional tools not typically found in a file encryption program.