CpuFrequenz 2.02

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CpuFrequenz is a small portable benchmark tool aimed at helping to determine CPU frequency.

CpuFrequenz is a small portable benchmark tool aimed at helping to determine CPU frequency.

You can utilize CpuFrequenz to show you the power of your CPU by tailoring a test to produce accurate results to gauge its power. Once you have selected the test parameters which consist of measuring time (50-1000) and loops (4), you hit the Test button. Test time will vary depending on the selections you make. It provides you with details including type, make, number of cores, etc. The compiled results are displayed immediately upon completion of the test.

One nice addition to CpuFrequenz would be to offer the ability to save a text file with test results so you can export them if needed. CpuFrequenz is not a full-service benchmarking utility but does provide you with fast and accurate insight into the potential of your CPU.
