CPU-Z is a diagnostic tool that provides information on your CPU, including: processor name and vendor, core stepping and process, processor package, internal and external clocks, clock multiplier, partial overclock detection, processor features, supported instructions sets, L1 and L2 cache information, location, size, speed, and technology.
What's New
ATI RS350, RS400, RS480/RX480, RS482, RD580/RX580, RS600/RD600, RS690, RS700 chipsets support. ATI SB600 southbridge support. Intel P965 chipset support. Engineering samples Core based CPUs report. Windows Vista product line report.
Download CPU-Z 1.35 for Windows 95, 98, Me, NT4, 2000 and XP
What's New
ATI RS350, RS400, RS480/RX480, RS482, RD580/RX580, RS600/RD600, RS690, RS700 chipsets support. ATI SB600 southbridge support. Intel P965 chipset support. Engineering samples Core based CPUs report. Windows Vista product line report.
Download CPU-Z 1.35 for Windows 95, 98, Me, NT4, 2000 and XP