Bjorn3D posted a review on the Corsair VX450w
A quote from the article:
Corsair VX450w Review
Why is it that in order to get quality from a product you have pay through the nose for it? What ever happened to the days when quality came as a standard and you didn't pay extra to get it? I suppose when you spend close to $700 on a video card there are certain expectations of quality that come with such a purchase but shouldn't the same apply if you're buying a power supply for $80 USD? Well my friends I can tell you that you no longer have to ask why, Corsair has the answer. Bringing the same level of quality they instill in their memory chips Corsair is determined to provide a top notch product at a bargain basement price. So while those of you who may be looking to buy 1300 watts of extreme goodness can expect a high level of quality now that same level can be found in 450 watt versions.
Corsair VX450w Review