Core i7 8700K vs. Ryzen 7 2700X With Rise of The Tomb Raider On Linux

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Phoronix published a comparison between Core i7 8700K vs. Ryzen 7 2700X with Rise of The Tomb Raider On Linux

A quote from the article:
Last week were some basic Linux gaming benchmarks with the Zen+ CPUs vs. Intel though for the most part the i7-8700K was still leading. Since our original Ryzen 5 2600X + Ryzen 7 2700X Linux benchmarks I did discover that an updated ASUS BIOS does significantly help with the CPU performance. I have repeated the same Linux gaming benchmarks from last week, but long story short there wasn't any real difference compared to the original results. The updated BIOS/AGESA appears to primarily help with CPU heavy workloads and those that are multi-threaded, unfortunately of which there aren't too many Linux games that are quite thread friendly. But in this article is our first look at the new Linux port of Rise of the Tomb Raider while testing on these latest Intel/AMD CPUs. AMD also notified us we will be receiving Ryzen 5 2600 and Ryzen 7 2700 (non-X models) for Linux benchmarking shortly on Phoronix.
 Core i7 8700K vs. Ryzen 7 2700X With Rise of The Tomb Raider On Linux