Copycat for Chrome, Firefox, and Edge 3.1.2

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Copycat for Chrome, Firefox, and Edge adds a context menu entry that lets you choose the format in which to paste clipboard items.

Copycat for Chrome, Firefox, and Edge allows you to copy content from the internet in a more powerful way. It creates a right-click menu with extended copying capabilities, making your copied items more versatile.

With Copycat, you can configure your preferences via the options page and bind some commands as browser shortcuts. You can choose the format of the URLs copied and also opt to encode the links. Copycat can also extract absolute, relative, and root-relative URLs; otherwise, it is only possible through developer mode.

Setting up Copycat is relatively simple. In the Menu section, you can create a selection of copying options. This extension is flexible in that it can help you copy text from tabs, frames, and URLs and can also help you pick up image, audio, and video sources. Copycat for Chrome, Firefox, and Edge is a clean and user-friendly tool offering easy menu customization.

With Copycat for Chrome, Firefox, and Edge, you can paste all clipboard content as HTML, Markdown, BBCode, JSON, AsciiDoc, or plain text, depending on what content menu shortcut you have created.

Copycat for Chrome, Firefox, and Edge makes changing the format for clipboard items to a variety of other formats usually employed by advanced users a more straightforward task, allowing users of any skill level to take advantage.

Copycat for Chrome, Firefox, and Edge Features:

Copy a tab title
Copy a tab link as
- Plain text
- Rich text
- Markdown
- Org-Mode
- AsciiDoc
- BBCode
Copy a frame title
Copy a frame link as
- Plain text
- Rich text
- Markdown
- Org-Mode
- AsciiDoc
- BBCode
Copy a link text
Copy a link as
- Plain text
- Rich text
- Markdown
- Org-Mode
- AsciiDoc
- BBCode
Copy selection as
- Plain text
- Concatenated plain text
- Markdown
- HTML without attributes
- User-defined clean HTML
- BBCode
Copy an image as
- Markdown
- BBCode
- Data URL
Copy a native audio as HTML
Copy a native video as HTML

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How to Delete, Add, and Edit Context Menu Items
Remove the "Share" Context Menu in Windows 10 & 11