Cooler Master Masterkeys Pro S

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LanOC Reviews published a review on the Cooler Master Masterkeys Pro S A quote from the article:
Just a few weeks ago Cooler Master introduced their new Masterkeys Pro L and S keyboards. I spent a bunch of time with the L aka the full sized model but at that time I didn't have the chance to check out the Masterkeys Pro S. Well after our review they were quick to get an S out to me. A lot of the features of the Pro L are the same on the smaller S but there are a few differences. So today I?m going to take a look at the Masterkeys pro S and show you guys what is different. This won't be as in depth of a review as the original, but if you check out our original review HERE and then check this out you should have a good idea of what the new Masterkeys Pro's are all about and if they are for you.
 Cooler Master Masterkeys Pro S @ LanOC Reviews