APH Networks checked out the Cooler Master GeminII S524 Ver.2 CPU Cooler
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Calgary has had a minor winter this year, with only a few days where it was super cold. Since about February, the temperature has been rising constantly, and most of the snow melted early. With summer now fast approaching and much warmer days coming ahead, there is so much more to do outside -- especially since university final exams are over. The extra time is great to go biking in a forest close to my house. During the summer months, especially on weekends, the forest gets very busy. It is great for walks or for biking, and I have even seen some people try to fish in the river, although I have no idea if they have ever caught anything. Even though I have been spending more time outside, I still have to deal with the entire house heating up quite a bit inside. Fortunately, I do live in the basement, and it is usually much cooler downstairs compared to upstairs. But my computer runs all day, it actually heats up my room quite a bit. In the winter, it was not as big an issue, but now with summer around the corner, the heat generated by my PC became much more noticeable. As such, a good heatsink is important to keep the exhaust heat away from my CPU rather than with the CPU. Today, we have the Cooler Master GeminII S524 Ver.2, a new air cooler from a company familiar to all of us here at APH Networks. Read on to find out how it performs!Cooler Master GeminII S524 Ver.2 CPU Cooler Review @ APH Networks