CookiesBlock - Cookie Pop-Ups for Chrome is capable of blocking cookie pop-ups, notices, warnings, notifications, and newsletters.
CookiesBlock - Cookie Pop-Ups for Chrome is capable of blocking cookie pop-ups, notices, warnings, notifications, and newsletters.
The ability to block pop-ups and notifications from websites while you are browsing modern websites can be essential in preserving your overall browsing experience, especially true for some sites that bombard you with notifications, etc.
CookiesBlock - Cookie Pop-Ups for Chrome is straightforward to use but offers little in the way of customization, so it is one size fits all at this point. But it is new and in Beta still, so options and features will likely change as it moves up to the stable version.
CookiesBlock - Cookie Pop-Ups for Chrome will block:
- notification pop-ups
- cookie warnings/pop-ups
- newsletter pop-ups
- translation pop-ups
- subscription pop-ups
Works for hashed CSS and iframes
How to block cookie pop-ups, cookie notices, cookie warning, & how to block notifications and newsletter pop-ups