Consumer Electronics Show (CES) 2008 - Part 1

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Virtual-Hideout posted part 1 of their Consumer Electronics Show (CES) 2008 report
Every year, North America hosts the largest Consumer Electronics Show (CES) which is where any and everyone can go to debut their newest or best products. If you can think of any technical gizmo or gadget, chances are that it's already there. This year's event didn't quite have the amount of computer components as last year, but there was still plenty and High Definition was all the rave. Of course, there were still endless rows of iPod and music player stations. As a matter of fact, there were more of those than High Definition Televisions. I'm not sure we need more docking stations, but HD TVs advancements are always a good thing. The more new products that come out, the quicker prices drop on the current products.

Consumer Electronics Show (CES) 2008 - Part 1