Compton 1.50

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Compton allows you to view the manufacturer details of your machine's hard drives and solid-state drives.

Compton allows you to view the manufacturer details of your machine's hard drives and solid-state drives.

There is no configuration or any real user interaction - just unpack it and run. It will instantaneously start scanning your machine and then provide you with details like firmware version, serial numbers, vendor names, etc. Additionally, with a quick right click, you can show S.M.A.R.T values to determine the overall health and status of your drive, perform a secure erase, remove security and even debug.

Compton can save the compiled data to an XML file that can be used for analysis or record keeping.

This author has a number of useful tools spanning numerous categories and Compton is another good example, so if you want to quickly fetch drive details than this is a great choice for doing it quickly.

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