CloneKeen Plus (Commander Genius) Final

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Commander Genius interprets the Commander Keen Invasion of the Vorticons and Galaxy series.
Commander Genius interprets the Commander Keen Invasion of the Vorticons and Galaxy series. As fans and developers, we are, we try to implement new features, improve the gameplay, and give players an experience that feels like playing the original game but a bit more refreshing.Features: Four Player Mode Fully customizable button layout on keyboards, gamepads and other input devices Graphic scalers Hardware acceleration Improved CloneKeen engine Three difficulty modes in all the Commander Keen games Mods support Automatic extraction of data (sounds, story, etc.) from exe-files Ingame Music support using HQP or in Keen 4 native (Yes, music in the Invasion of the Vorticons series! New graphical effects Much faster, because no emulation HUD in Invasion of the Vorticons like your