Classic Sticky Notes 2.0

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Classic Sticky Notes brings back the classic Sticky Notes desktop app in Windows 10 and 11.
Classic Sticky Notes brings back the classic Sticky Notes desktop app in Windows 10 and 11.

Installation is simple, as is the app. It includes multiple languages and will install to the language you're using for Windows.

You can have multiple notes by clicking on the + as often as you like. By right-clicking in the app, you can copy, paste, delete, select all and even choose from blue, green, pink, purple, white, or yellow sticky notes.

Classic Sticky Notes offers no way to save notes, a feature we'd love to see. You can only close the notes. You'll need to copy anything you want to save into Notepad, Word, or your favorite text editor.

Classic Sticky Notes is a fun little nostalgic app that includes functionality, but it could offer the choice of different fonts and the ability to save your notes.

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