Ah the Radeon stands up to the test again. PCPop.com took the Radeon in A12(pre-release) and A13(final) steppings against the Nvidia GeForce 3. The GeForce board also was overclocked to simulate a GeForce 3 Ti500. The results are promising so far for ATI! If they manage to tweak their drivers just as Nvidia is capapable of then we have a killer board competing with Graphzilla. Enough talk. We snapped a pic for you cause the site has a rather strange layout and I guess the lesser part speaks chinese...
This image appears courtesy of PCPop.com
The test system was:
AMD Athlon 1.3Ghz
Epox 8KTA3 (VIA KT133A)
AGP 4x, Fastwrites & Sidebanding ENABLED
DirectX 8.1 Win 2K SP2
Detonator 21.83
Radeon 8500 - A13 stepping
Radeon 8500 - A12 stepping
Radeon 64mb/7500
This last setup is quite interesting because the 3280 driver is even newer than the ones supplied with the new Radeons currently shipping. According to PcPop the 328x series is still in revision and optimization for the Radeon 8500. They express by this statement that the revision 3280 for Radeon 7500 is finished (but not yet released to the public). Well it should be an interesting winter this year... Oh and I forgot to mention that this isn't the only benchmark test they made. They tested some other software as well including Quake 3, but the Radeon had some performance issues there leaving the OpenGL throne to Nvidia. If you want to check that out head over to PcPop.
This image appears courtesy of PCPop.com
The test system was:
AMD Athlon 1.3Ghz
Epox 8KTA3 (VIA KT133A)
AGP 4x, Fastwrites & Sidebanding ENABLED
DirectX 8.1 Win 2K SP2
Detonator 21.83
Radeon 8500 - A13 stepping
Radeon 8500 - A12 stepping
Radeon 64mb/7500
This last setup is quite interesting because the 3280 driver is even newer than the ones supplied with the new Radeons currently shipping. According to PcPop the 328x series is still in revision and optimization for the Radeon 8500. They express by this statement that the revision 3280 for Radeon 7500 is finished (but not yet released to the public). Well it should be an interesting winter this year... Oh and I forgot to mention that this isn't the only benchmark test they made. They tested some other software as well including Quake 3, but the Radeon had some performance issues there leaving the OpenGL throne to Nvidia. If you want to check that out head over to PcPop.