Capture One Pro V11 Review (German)

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Ernst Weinzettl published an in-depth review of Capture One Pro V11 in his blog

I write and publish books. Travel books and illustrated books. Layout, texts and pictures up to the printable PDF. Among other things, I have to provide for a reasonably consistent color representation of the images, which is not easy with starting material from about thirty different cameras from a few decades ago. Image editing is therefore an essential part of my everyday life. Specifically, this means 5-7 hours a day, four times a week.

Now I work for years with Adobe Lightroom, currently V6. I was halfway satisfied for lack of alternatives in recent years. Even Nikon images have a somewhat appealing color impression after a few trials.

But then came the subscription model. Not with me! So I stayed until today with the last purchase version 6.x, meanwhile I kept my eyes open for alternatives. The vast majority could not convince me.

And then Capture One Pro came into the house.

 Capture One Pro V11 – Eine Reise ins Abenteuer (German)
 Capture One Pro V11 - A journey into adventure (with translator)