Burned out Memory on A7V333?

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We have qualified the ASUS A7V333 as a representative board of the VIA KT333 chipset-based mainboards. Since the board supports DDR 333 (PC2700) we recommend using high end memory only, that is, either PC2700 or Level2 (222) PC2100.

USER TIPS: The default memory voltage of jthe A7V333 is out of spec which causes DDR DIMMs to run hot and eventually fail. The voltage can be adjusted by moving the undocumented jumpers JP1 and JP2 to close 1-2 or else remove both jumpers completely. We found the following voltages when measuring directly at the DIMM slots: ii 2.59 - 2.63V (same with one or both jumpers removed completely)
i! 2.78 - 2.83V (default setting, out of spec according to JEDEC guidelines
!i 2.88 - 2.94V
!! 2.95 - 3.06V

The latter two settings are almost guaranteed to destroy the memory modules. We found that by reducing the voltage from default to the lowest setting, we were able to achieve approximately 3% system performance increase (not in SiSoft Memory benchmark, though but in real applications)

That being the excerpt from Mushkin's website

The mushkin warning/advisory being taken from the later part of this article done by lostcircuits.com